Pursuant to Common Article 1 to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, the State parties have the obligation to respect and to ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL). In this context, the objective of this work is to analyze whether the European Union (EU) and two of its Member States – France and Spain – have enforced their obligation to ensure respect for IHL.
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Universidad Pública de Navarra/ Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
Premio Brunet, 3
Materia: Derechos humanos
Idioma: inglés
Pamplona 2020; 512 pp.
ISBN: ISBN 978-84-9769-359-2 (papel); 978-84-9769-360-8 (e-pub)
Precio: 19 € (papel); 10 € (e-pub) €